Music Appreciation - MUSC 1010
Concurrent Enrollment through Weber State University.
This page is currently under construction. Please check back soon to find information regarding registration/enrollment at Weber State University and information on the text book.
The course will be moving to a new book this year . The book focus is on "The History of Rock and Roll" It has an "e-book" option that allows for many extra study helps other information. Details will be posted soon.
Do you know where the music of today came from? Join us as we explore the foundations of American Pop Music.
We are looking for a "Teacher Aide" for this course. If you have taken this course, please contact Mr. Windsor if you are interested.
The course will be moving to a new book this year . The book focus is on "The History of Rock and Roll" It has an "e-book" option that allows for many extra study helps other information. Details will be posted soon.
Do you know where the music of today came from? Join us as we explore the foundations of American Pop Music.
We are looking for a "Teacher Aide" for this course. If you have taken this course, please contact Mr. Windsor if you are interested.